…I’m sorry, but Jack White and his 125 projects are getting really annoying. He’s like the Heidi Klum of music – seen everywhere, doing everything, never getting tired, even his voice freaks me out just as much as Mrs. Seal’s squeaky sounds. Give me a break! If he’d just put his energy back into the White Stripes and take some time to make a bombastic new WS-album instead of doing five bands at the same time. With Alison Mosshart it is just the same: we want The Kills, they are great, they are genius. Maybe it is because Jamie Hince spends more time with cocain-Kate than with his guitar and poor Alison is feeling lonely. In the end (and I probably shouldn’t say it, but wtf, I’ll say it anyway): I don’t think The Dead Weather are more than a colourless, poor copy of a wannabe The Kills band and they will not last. Pretty soon ADS-Jack will get bored again and find some new friends to play with.